Posts for year 2010 (old posts, page 2)

We managed to survive today, just.

Gastro – you can keep it.

At 23:30 last night I suddenly lost both lunch and dinner – mostly into the bathroom sink. Not pleasant at all. Must have got some more sleep because at 0200 this morning, lost a bunch of fluid in the same manner. Ditto 0400.

Then at 0430 J started hurling too. C woke up at about 0615, so I went to change her and bring her in to bed with us. Good thing J reminded me to take the bucket with me, because the effort of getting C out of her cot and onto the changetable was more than enough to put me on the floor. Bile, this time.

C, poor thing, was scared witless and started screaming, and J managed to summon enough energy to finish putting the new nappy on.

Not what you’d call a pleasant night.

Managed to keep awake until about 1030, when J took over until 12. I woke up feeling quite groggy, but actually a bit better. Half a piece of toast was all either J or I could countenance, and C decided that the best way to eat her spaghetti (yay for leftovers and a microwave) was strand by strand. Fortunately our little darling then managed to sleep from about 12:30 until 3:45, so we all woke up feeling a bit better.

I wish I hadn’t burnt the vegie soup I was making for dinner, though – I was really looking forward to it.

With any luck we’ll all be feeling a lot better tomorrow.

Two in, one in the deep freeze

Of Tuesday’s 5 embryos, 2 were looking good enough first thing this morning to install. One was looking good enough to put in the freezer, and the other two just weren’t.

J’s zonked out courtesy of Warren’s transfer protocol (2 valium before, 2 after… usually with a snifter of brandy), and C is at daycare. Now we’re in the two week wait period. Ugh.

Amazing – HAL actually useful for something

The battery in my laptop (Dell XPS M1530) died a week or so ago, and yesterday I finally organised to get a new one, which arrived this morning. Yay ebay and AusPost or something.

Since the laptop lives downstairs, I figured it would be nice to see if I could check on the status from upstairs, as needed. In the distant past Casper had some ACPI-related utils which worked quite nicely on AMD systems, but they’ve been deprecated for quite some time now. A quick q into an internal channel put me onto the /usr/sbin/lshal utility, which lets me run this command:

/usr/sbin/lshal -l -u '/org/freedesktop/Hal/devices/pseudo/acpi_drv_0_battery0_0'

And produces output like this:

udi = ‘/org/freedesktop/Hal/devices/pseudo/acpi_drv_0_battery0_0′
  battery.reporting_last_full = 5943  (0×1737)  (int)
  battery.remaining_time = 0  (0×0)  (int)
  battery.charge_level.percentage = 100  (0×64)  (int)
  battery.charge_level.current = 65967  (0x101af)  (int)
  battery.charge_level.last_full = 65967  (0x101af)  (int)
  battery.charge_level.rate = 0  (0×0)  (int)
  battery.voltage.present = 12543  (0x30ff)  (int)
  battery.reporting.rate = 355  (0×163)  (int)
  battery.reporting.current = 6600  (0x19c8)  (int)
  battery.rechargeable.is_discharging = false  (bool)
  battery.rechargeable.is_charging = false  (bool)
  battery.is_rechargeable = true  (bool)
  battery.charge_level.granularity_2 = 732  (0x2dc)  (int)
  battery.charge_level.granularity_1 = 732  (0x2dc)  (int)
  battery.charge_level.low = 2220  (0x8ac)  (int)
  battery.charge_level.warning = 7326  (0x1c9e)  (int) = 73260  (0x11e2c)  (int)
  battery.charge_level.unit = ‘mWh’  (string) = 11100  (0x2b5c)  (int)
  battery.reporting.granularity_2 = 66  (0×42)  (int)
  battery.reporting.granularity_1 = 66  (0×42)  (int)
  battery.reporting.low = 200  (0xc8)  (int)
  battery.reporting.warning = 660  (0×294)  (int) = 6600  (0x19c8)  (int)
  battery.reporting.last_full = 5943  (0×1737)  (int)
  battery.reporting.unit = ‘mAh’  (string)
  battery.model = ‘DELL 00′  (string)
  battery.serial = ’3213′  (string) = ‘lithium-ion’  (string) = ‘LION’  (string)
  battery.vendor = ”  (string)
  info.capabilities = {‘battery’} (string list)
  battery.type = ‘primary’  (string)
  battery.present = true  (bool)
  info.category = ‘battery’  (string)
  info.solaris.driver = ‘acpi_drv’  (string)
  solaris.devfs_path = ‘/pseudo/acpi_drv@0:battery0′  (string)
  info.product = ‘Battery Bay’  (string)
  info.udi = ‘/org/freedesktop/Hal/devices/pseudo/acpi_drv_0_battery0_0′  (string)
  info.parent = ‘/org/freedesktop/Hal/devices/pseudo/acpi_drv_0_0′  (string)

Finally – a non-annoying thing to do with HAL!