Submission to the Civil Unions bill Inquiry

This afternoon, alerted by a friend and as reported in this article, I sent the submission below to the Queensland Government’s inquiry into Andrew Fraser‘s Civil Unions bill.

While I would greatly prefer that there be Marriage Equality for all, in this nation Marriage is part of the Federal Government’s bailiwick and I’m not confident that either federal party will start listening to all their constituents on this matter.

To whom it may concern

Submission to the Inquiry regarding the Civil Unions Bill

I am writing to express my support for Mr Fraser's Civil Unions bill.

I have very dear gay and lesbian friends who have been in committed relationships for many years. Under current law if one member of the partnership is hospitalised, the other is prevented from being recognised as the next of kin.

This is offensive and discriminatory because in many cases the natural family members who current law elevates over the partner are unable to accept that their relative is in a committed relationship, and who then ignore the expressed wishes of the relative (as known by the partner) in favour of their own opinion.

The situation is similar when it comes to superannuation, where gay and lesbian partners must jump through significant extra hoops to be recognised as a legitimate spouse or dependent. In particular, women are widely acknowledged to be disadvantaged in later life through a lack of sufficient superannuation funds. A recognised civil union will obviate much jumping through hoops in order to prove the validity of the relationship. This, in turn, will help prevent financial stress; something which is acute even in non-LGBT couples when dealing with the superannuation system.

Yours faithfully,

James C. McPherson