Coot-tha, yay!

The last few years haven't been particularly good for my fitness, with a combination of pretty hectic workload, increasing school activities for the children and recovering from my left knee meniscus repair in 2016. So last year's cycling effort of 2100km (achieved almost completely in the last 3 months of the year) was really nice. Really, really nice.

I've started off this year a little better - I've exceeded my 150km weekly goal each week except for the first week of the year, and I'm at 1245km ridden out of my 4000km goal for the whole year. Yay me!

Last week I was really stoked to pull out a 102km effort (in 4h5m), and late yesterday figured that I really should have a crack at Mt Coot-tha again. The last time I rode it (rather than walked!) was on 7 March 2014, and at that point I'd ridden only about 200km for the year - so the effort involved was quite large.

Today.... yes, the effort involved was still quite large (and I'm feeling a bit more knackered than after last week's 102km, to be honest). On the positive side, however, I rode 71.3km in 3h7m compared to nearly-four-years-ago's 70.1km in 3h21m. I managed to get up both of the climbs that I'm interested in, and do so in personal best times so I'm pretty happy.

Here they are, along with the overall tracks and summaries from 2014 and today: