How to find my NIC …. an interesting twist

I got a comment from Byron to my Sun blog asking::

Thanks for the info, but what if ‘prtpicl -v’ returns no result with

‘model:Ethernet||Network’? I know it’s there b/c it shows up in the

results of /usr/X11/bin/scanpci:

nVidia Corporation MCP51 Ethernet Controller

I’m trying to get the nge driver to work with my nForce 4

6150/430 motherboard (MSI K8NGM2 FID). At first it seemed that

driver_aliases simply had the wrong device-id for it, the two lines


nge pci10de,56

nge pci10de,57

I used update_drv -a -i ‘”pci10de,269″‘ nge to add the correct

device-id, as shown in scanpci, then ‘reboot — -r’, but no luck, still

doesn’t recognize the onboard ethernet controller.

Any suggestions about what else I could try? I’d really like to get the

nge driver working if at all possible since it supposedly supports this

ethernet controller, but will resort to Masayuki’s nfo driver if
