Manic Times is now in beta

I was alerted to the existence of Charles Firth’s new venture, Manic Times a few months ago, and saw an op-ed in today’s SMH which hinted that Manic Times was now up and running.Indeed it is, though in keeping with the Google philosophy of “everything we do is always in beta”, there’s a “BETA” watermark splashed across the masthead.No matter, there are plenty of articles there already, including one which I found very interesting – Top QC says Kevin fails his own character test.I’m seriously thinking about subscribing to the print edition.`Technorati`_ tags: topic:{Technorati}[Charles Firth], topic:{Technrati}[Manic Times], topic:{Technrati}[The Chaser], topic:{Technrati}[The Chaser's War On Everything]