Who is Stephen, and why should I trust him?

Overnight I received this email:

Date: Sat, 15 Dec 2007 14:35:01 -0800
Message-Id: [200712152235.lBFMZ1tV020872@crawler002.qts.spock.com]
From: Spock Team [donotreply@spock.com]
To: [me]
Subject: Stephen has requested your trust on Spock
Hi James C. McPherson,
Stephen has added you as a trusted contact on Spock.com.  By accepting
trust, you will be able to search each others' network, share contact
information, and get news.
Get started here:  [url]
Unsubscribe:  http://www.spock.com/do/public/request_unsubscribe

I’ve got a few questions here. Firstly – why Stephen? I know perhaps 6 or 7. Secondly, wtf is spock.com? Thirdly, why is it that if I go to www.spock.com, I get see this image? .. image:: http://images.spock.com/fail.jpg