I got a recording of Kennedy’s cadenza

After my engagement in town ended this morning, A and I went off to JB Hifi on Adelaide St to kill some time. Found our way to the classical section, and there was a copy of Kennedy’s recording of the Beethoven and Mozart violin concerti. With the cadenza I so wanted.Well…. not quite exactly as I remembered it, but still really really good. I wish we’d hung around at the end of the concert – I might have been able to get it autographed. shrug I’ll live.For the technical details, have a wander over to http://www.kennedybeethoven.com – and be aware that EMI assume that you really do want to have a popup to present the info. Sod that boring old concept of “here’s a window let’s use the space within it”….grrrrrrr……. Idiots.The music is good. Go get it.