Renovation progress: nearly done!
Today the cabinetmaker rocked up with the floor-to-ceiling cupboards (he’d had problems getting bits together, apparently those floods had an impact :>) and 3 hours later we had them all ready to start filling with our stuff:
With a bit more work this arvo Alan and I got the blinds mounted over the window frame:
and then after dinner we spent an hour or so installing and populating slotted cable duct along the wall behind the desk:
Chris has done a heap of cleaning – multiple moppings and vac-ings of the floor, cupboards and work on the windows too – but it’s still going to take a few goes before it’s safe enough for C’s 2yr-old feet to scamper across. At this point we’re unsure whether ceramic tiles or carpet would be a better covering, but aside from the minimum required for noise abatement (the ol’ u40m2 is LOUD) we’ll leave that for a few months at least.So we’re nearly done – and by Monday it should all be shipshape. I’m ecstatic at how this has all come together, and that I now have a proper home office. I just wish we’d been more organised and got it done sooner. Chris and Alan have been fantastic, I’m so glad they were able to be here.
Our builder, Dan Trevorrow of Tredmac Pty Ltd and his team (Michael, Joel, Jamie, Josh and Stewart) did a thoroughly professional job, and we’re very happy we chose them.